You will be charged for your appointment with Isobel Wood ahead of time. If you are not available during the time slot that you have booked and paid for there will be no refunds or rescheduling. There is a 24 hour cancellation policy. To cancel please contact.
Extra Services
Isobel does not attend appointments with you. She is available in an advisory capacity only. She does not perform any nursing duties or visit your home.
Isobel will recommend surgeons she think will suit your needs. She uses her experience and knowledge to help you. If you don’t like the surgeons she suggests there is no refund.
Your conversation will not be discussed with anyone. Surgeons recommend to you are not contacted. Neither is your General Practitioner. All discussions are entirely between you and Isobel Wood alone. Any notes made at the time of consultation are stored within normal GDPR guidelines and not used for any other purposes or shared with third parties.
The Cosmetic Surgery Coach is not owned, partly owned or funded by any other medical or surgical person or persons. It falls within the company number associated with Isobel Wood Ltd listed at Companies House.
Isobel Wood offers advice and recommendations in good faith. She is not responsible for any problems experienced between you, the client/patient and any surgeon. She is not responsible for any adverse incidents relating to you, your surgery or at any time during your recovery period.